Announcement, Tender

Tender For Hiring Of Security Services And Other Services At Markfed Head Office, District Offices, Plants(Manufacturing Units) And Units Etc.


Markfed invites e-tender in prescribed tender form available on from parties registered under Pvt. Security Agencies (Regulations) Act 2005, holding valid license for providing security services at Markfed Head-Office, District offices, Plants(Manufacturing Units) and units etc. The last date for submission of online E-tender is 29.01.2025  till 11:00 AM which will be opened on 29.01.2025  at 02.00 PM in the office of Markfed at Chandigarh. The cost of tender form and earnest money shall be deposited through online mode only. The detailed terms and conditions of the tender can also be seen at Markfed website .

Note: Any Corrigendum/Addendum to the Tender Notice shall be published on the above website( i.e

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Terms & Conditions     Financial Bid Document    Technical Bid Document

Announcement, Latest News, Tender

E-tender for supply of various items at Markfed Cattlefeed & Allied Industries, Kapurthala and Gidderbaha

Short Term Tender Notice

Tender Notice Reference No. MARKFED/KPT/2024-25/05

 The Department of Punjab State Cooperative Supply and Marketing Federation (Markfed Cattlefeed & Allied Industries, Kapurthala) invites online bids for the following:

Sr. No. Item                                          For Kapurthala Plant
1. (i) Supply of 200MT Molasses
2. (i) Supply of 100MT Technical Grade Urea, (ii) 40MT Trace Mineral Premix, (iii) 5MT Toxin Binder
  For Gidderbaha Plant
3. (i) Supply of 40MT By Pass Fat, (ii) 600Kg Vitamin-E
4. (i) Supply of 12MT Sodium Bi-Carbonate, (ii) 50Kg Vitamin-AD3, (iii) 50MT Technical Grade Urea


Items on Serial number Last Date and Time of submission Date of opening
1 10.01.2025 upto 12:00 10.01.2025 at 02:00
3 11.02.2025 upto 12:00 12.02.2025 at 12:00
2 & 4 11.03.2025 upto 12:00 12.03.2025 at 12:00


For details log onto:

Note: Any corrigendum(s) to the Tender Notice shall be published on the above website only.

Announcement, Latest News, Tender

E-tender for purchase of various items Markfed Cattle feed And Allied Industries, Kapurthala, Gidderbaha

Markfed Cattlefeed And Allied Industries, Kapurthala And Markfed Cattlefeed And Allied Industries Gidderbaha, invites online tenders for purchase of the following items during the period 01.01.2025 to 31.03.2025.

  1. Rice Bran 2. Rice Bran Extraction 3. Mustard Extraction 4. Maize 5. Mustard Cake 6. Cottonseed Cake
  2. Rice Nakku 8. Gowar Korma 9. Soyabean Extraction 10. Groundnut Cake 11. Barley 12. Wheat Bran
  3. Corn Gluten Meal 14. Wheat 15. Cottenseed Extraction 16. DDGS Grade-I, 17. DDGS Grade-II.

The tender shall be opened on every Tuesday and Friday falling during 01.01.2025 to 31.03.2025. The tender can be submitted up to 12:00 PM and will be opened at 12:30 PM on the each designated day in presence of supplier or their representative who wish to be present. The quantity to be procured in each tender will be mentioned on the e-tender document to be uploaded on every Saturday for Tuesday’s tender and on Wednesday for Friday’s tender on the site

Note: Any corrigendum(s) to the Tender Notice shall be published on the above website only.



General Manager

Markfed Cattlefeed and Allied

Industries, Kapurthala

Announcement, Latest News, Tender

Tender for renovation works 2nd floor of Markfed Show Room SCO No. 2945-49, Sector: 22C, Chandigarh

Sealed tenders are hereby invited from Registered Coop. L&C Societies, Punjab and enlisted contractor having valid enlistment with PWD (B&R)/CPWD/MES/Railways and other Govt. Deptt. should have PAN No., GST No., EPF No. and valid electrical licenses issued from competent authority for the following works. The tender form can be purchase upto 24.12.2024 upto 11:00A.M. from the office of undersigned and will be opened at 2:00PM on the same date. In case minimum tow valid tenders from Coop. L&C Societies, Punjab are not received only then the tenders of contractors shall be opened on the same date at 3:00PM in the presence of parties or their representatives who may like to be present. The EMD of below mentioned amount should prepared in favour of “ The Punjab State Cooperative Supply & Marketing Federation Ltd.” payable at Chandigarh. Other terms and conditions can be seen in the tender documents.

Sr. No. Description Earnest Money (in Rs.) Tender Cost           (in Rs. ) Time Limit
1 Supply & installation of Air-conditioners for renovation of 2nd floor of Markfed Show Room SCO No. 2945-49, Sector: 22C, Chandigarh 8,300/- 590/- 15-days
2. Pdg. Electrical Fixtures & networking for renovation of 2nd floor of Markfed Show Room SCO No. 2945-49, Sector: 22C, Chandigarh 8,800/- 590/- 15-days

Terms & Conditions:

  1. MD Markfed Reserves the right to accept/reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons.
  2. Other terms & conditions can be seen in the tender documents.
  3. Any corrigendum/addendum and corrections if any can be seen on Markfed website
  4. In case holiday may fall on dates mentioned above, in lieu of that the next working date will be considered.



Executive Engineer(E)


Announcement, Latest News, Tender

Tender for purchase of various items Markfed Cattlefeed And Allied Industries Kapurthala and Gidderbaha

Markfed Cattlefeed And Allied Industries, Kapurthala And Markfed Cattlefeed And Allied Industries Gidderbaha, invites online tenders for purchase of the following items during the period 01.01.2025 to 31.03.2025.

  1. Rice Bran 2. Rice Bran Extraction 3. Mustard Extraction 4. Maize 5. Mustard Cake 6. Cottonseed Cake
  2. Rice Nakku 8. Gowar Korma 9. Soyabean Extraction 10. Groundnut Cake 11. Barley 12. Wheat Bran
  3. Corn Gluten Meal 14. Wheat 15. Cottenseed Extraction 16. DDGS Grade-I, 17. DDGS Grade-II.

The tender shall be opened on every Tuesday and Friday falling during 01.01.2025 to 31.03.2025. The tender can be submitted up to 12:00 PM and will be opened at 12:30 PM on the each designated day in presence of supplier or their representative who wish to be present. The quantity to be procured in each tender will be mentioned on the e-tender document to be uploaded on every Saturday for Tuesday’s tender and on Wednesday for Friday’s tender on the site

Note: Any corrigendum(s) to the Tender Notice shall be published on the above website only.

Announcement, Tender

Providing E.I. works for renovation of 4th floor (Hall) in Markfed H.O. Bldg. Plot No4, Sector-35 B, Chandigarh

Sealed tenders are hereby invited from registered Coop. L&C Societies, Punjab and enlisted contractor having valid enlistment with PWD (B&R)/CPWD/MES/Railways and other Govt. Deptt. should upload PAN No., GST NO, EPF No. and valid electrical license issued from competent authority   for the following work. The tender forms can be purchase upto 20/12/24  upto 11.00 A.M. from the office of undersigned and will be opened at 3.00 P.M. on  the same date. In  case minimum two valid tenders from Coop. L&C Societies, Punjab are not received only then the tenders of contractors shall be opened on the same date at 4.00 PM in the presence of parties or their representatives who may like to be present. The EMD of below mentioned amount should prepared in favour of “The Punjab State Cooperative Supply & Marketing Federation Ltd” payable at Chandigarh. Other terms and conditions can be seen in the tender documents.

Sr. No. Description Earnest     Money (in Rs.) Tender Cost

(In Rs.)

Time Limit
1. Providing E.I. works for renovation of 4th floor (Hall) in Markfed H.O. Bldg. Plot No4, Sector-35 B, Chandigarh 7,800/- 590/- 30 Days



  1. M.D. Markfed reserves the right to accept/reject any or all tenders without assigning reasons.
  2. Other terms and conditions can be seen in the tender document.
  3. Any addendum/ corrigendum will be issued on line only.
  4. In case holiday may fall on dates mentioned above, in lieu of that the next working date will be considered.



Executive Engineer (E)

Markfed, Chandigarh

Announcement, Tender

Corrigendum- tender notice NO.EE.(HQ)/FED/24/375 dt. 27.11.2024

Due to Poor response, the tender published vide tender notice NO.EE.(HQ)/FED/24/375 dt. 27.11.2024 the dates of tenders at Sr. no. 1 is hereby extended from 05.12..24 respectively & now may be read as 12/12/24 and tender will be opened at 12:30 PM. All other terms & conditions/venue will remain same.

Executive Engineer (E)
Markfed Chandigarh

Announcement, Tender

Tender for supply and transport of various items ; Markfed Cattlefeed plant Kapurthala and Gidderbaha

Tender Notice Reference No. MARKFED/KPT/2024-25/04

 The Department of Punjab State Cooperative Supply and Marketing Federation (Markfed Cattlefeed & Allied Industries, Kapurthala) invites online bids for the following:

Sr. No. Item                                          For Kapurthala Plant
1. (i) Transportation of Molasses from Cooperative Sugar Mill, Bhogpur to Markfed Cattlefeed Plant, Kapurthala from 10.01.2025 to 09.01.2026 (ii) Supply of 100MT Common Salt (iii) 350MT Lime Stone Powder (iv) 20MT By Pass Fat
2.  (i) 150Kg Vitamin AD3 (ii) 10MT Sodium Bi Carbonate (iii) 1000Kg Vitamin-E (iv) Sale of 1.6 Lac C Class Bardana (v) 60MT Jute Rags (vi) 5 MT PP Rags (vii) Supply of 3 Lac PP Bags for filling of Cattle Feed (viii) Transportation of Markfed Products from 25.01.2025 to 24.01.2026 Block “A” (Punjab), (ix) Transportation of Markfed Products from 06.02.2025 to 05.02.2026 Block “B” (Himachal Pradesh and J&K)
  For Gidderbaha Plant
3. (i) Supply of 12MT Sodium Bi Carbonate (ii) 09MT Magnesium Oxide (iii) 25MT By Pass Fat (iv) 50Kg Vitamin AD3
4. (i) Supply of 50MT Common Salt (ii) 06MT Toxin Binder


Items on Serial number Last Date and Time of submission Date of opening
1 & 3 30.12.2024 upto 12:00 31.12.2024 at 12:00
2 & 4 15.01.2025 upto 12:00 16.01.2025 at 12:00


For details log onto:

Note: Any corrigendum(s) to the Tender Notice shall be published on the above website only.

Announcement, Tender

tender for repair works

Sealed item rates tender are hereby invited from registered Coop. L&C Societies, Punjab and enlisted contractor having valid enlistment with PWD (B&R)/CPWD/MES/Railways Deptt, PAN No., GST NO., Nakal Matta and EPF No. for all works. The tender forms can be purchased upto 05.12.2024 upto 10:00 A.M. from Markfed H.O Plot No. 4 Sector 35B Chandigarh. The tenders shall be received on 05.12.24 upto 11.00 A.M. and opened ‘on 12.30 P.M. on the same date in the office of XEN(HQ). in the presence of society/agency or their representatives who may like to be present. Markfed reserves the right to accept/ reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason. The rates are inclusive of GST and any other taxes. The EMD should be deposited through demand draft in favour of. The Punjab State     Co-op Supply and Marketing Federation Ltd. Payable at Chandigarh Should be submitted alongwith tender form For any clarification/ difficulty, please contact on XEN, Markfed, Chandigarh at 8427757610, 0172-2666685 Other terms and conditions can be seen in the tender documents.


Sr.No. Description Approximate estimate Cost (Rs.). Earnest Money for contractor Time Limit Tender Fee including 18% GST
1 E.I. repair work in Markfed godown at Fazilka Distt. Fazilka 451528.00 9030.00 1 months 590/-
2 Repair of boundary wall at Markfed godown at Tarn Taran, Distt. Taran Taran 396540.00 7930.00 1 months 590/-
3 Repair of roof & boundary wall at ARDC godown at Chohla Sahib, Distt. Tarn Taran. 296324.00 5926.00 1 months 590/-
4 Repair of boundary wall of Markfed Godown at Dhuri Distt. Sangrur. 343230.00 6865.00 1 months 590/-
5 Repair of Markfed godown grain market at Faridkot. 454218.00 9085.00 1 months 590/-
6 Repair of Markfed (MRM-Modern Rice Mill) NCDC godown at Jaitu Distt. Faridkot. 319717.00 6394.00 1 months 590/-
7 Repair of Markfed MRM godown at Gidarbaha Distt. Sri Mukatsar Sahib 469129.00 9382.00 1 months 590/-
8 Repair of Markfed godown at Lehragaga Distt. Sangrur. 453267.00 9070.00 1 months 590/-
9 Providing E.I work in proposed volleyball & badmintion courts in Markfed H.O. Bldg. Chandigarh. 239942.00 4800.00 1 months 590/-
10 Repair of Markfed ARDC godown at Jaitu (Near railway line) , Faridkot. 480629.00 9612.00 1 months 590/-
11 Repair of Markfed NCDC godown at Ferozpur City. 443770.00 8875.00 1 months 590/-
12 Repair of Markfed ARDC godown & boundary wall at Jalalabad Distt. Fazilka 249354.00 4990.00 1 months 590/-
13 Repair of boundary wall of Markfed godown at Dasuya, Distt. Hoshiarpur. 447307.00 8950.00 1 months 590/-
14 Repair of cabin no. 1402 of H.O. Markfed. Chandigarh. 450557.00 9015..00 1 months 590/-
15 Repair of Markfed godown at Malout at Bathinda road Distt. Sri Muktsar Sahib. 435006.00 8700.00 1 months 590/-


  1. Corrigendum/addendum/corrections if any will be published on the website
  2. Markfed reserve the right to accept/reject any or tender without assigning any reason.
  3. For work at Sr.No.1 and 9 the agency should have the valid electrical license issued by competent authority


Announcement, Latest News, Tender


The Department of Markfed Canneries (A Unit of the Punjab State Cooperative Supply & Marketing Federation Limited) invites online bids for the following.


Sr. no. Particular of item Qty.


Closing date &time:  On or before 03.12.2024 upto 1.30 PM.

Date & time for opening of Technical Bid: 04.12.2024 AT 11.00 AM

For details log on to

Tender notice and terms & conditions can see on website

Note: Any corrigendum(s) to the tender notice shall be published on the above Markfed website only.

Click to download

terms & Conditions       Financial Bid format


Markfed Bazaar will remain open on all days from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM

To facilitate customers, Markfed Management has decided that Markfed Bazaar will remain open on all days from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM to fulfil the daily needs of customers .

Click here to view the List of locations of Markfed Bazaar .